Congrats on joining The Free Fail Forward Challenge

Here's what to expect moving forward...


✅The Fail Forward Challenge is completely free and it begins on Monday April 27th. Then it ends Sunday May 10th with a fun celebration.

✅Our challenge communication will take place through Facebook messenger

✅The Facebook Messenger will give you the link to The Fail Forward Challenge group

✅I will go LIVE in our private Facebook every day at 10am pst/1pm est to teach the days challenge training.

✅Each day you will be given challenge tasks to complete. Some will be harder than others and this is specifically designed for you to succeed and feel accomplished when you do.

✅You will receive an email with these details and the link to join our daily messenger communications.


🔥I will be following a specially designed PDF to teach and guide your tasks. You are welcome to purchase a copy for yourself by clicking the link below

🔥Each day I will go live using zoom and streaming to our Facebook group. You'll be able to see me on FB but I won't be able to see you, just your comments. If you would like the opportunity to join me on the live zoom where we caninteractt face to face 30 minutes before and 30 minutes after each training you can purchase V.I.P. access below.

❤️Just to be super clear. Grabbing any of the options if totally up to you and you'll get great results without either one. They're just options to make things easier or more innterractive for you. Just wanted to remind you of that :-) 

VERY IMPORTANT: If you want to take advantage of any of the options below you have to do it on this page. You will not have the option anywhere else but here.

Challenge PDF's


Full Color PDF's

  • Immediately Downloadable
  • Easily Printable To Write On
  • Mirrors Your Daily Challenge Tasks

All In



  • Challenge PDF's
  • Full Access Zoom VIP For 14 Days
  • PRIVATE WhatsApp Chat With Anthony & All Other VIP's for 14 days so you can stay in 24/7 contact

VIP Access


Full Access

  • Access to Anthony LIVE for 14 Days
  • Watch Training LIVE
  • Join 30mins Before & After Trainings