Shift Starter
Your Daily Dose Of Inspiration And Motivation
The Shift Starter Daily was created specifically for the shift starters of the world to start their day on fire to Make Shift Happen.
A Shift Starter is someone who wakes up every day and “Gets Shift Started” in their businesses, their health, and their relationships. It starts INSIDE by shifting your beliefs, thoughts, actions, mindset, habits, and ego so you can show up and make the shifts OUTSIDE to start, or continue, to change your life.Shift Starters hold the keys to drive their lives, they dream at full speed, they take action to make shift happen, they shift their world so they can shift THE world, and they get shift started every day as they strive to reach their full potential. Having gone from foster care to the NFL and 7-Figure entrepreneur, your host Anthony Trucks now leads a community of Shift Starters all over the globe who have a personal mission of reaching their full potential by taking powerful action. Or as we like to call it “Getting Shift Started”, every moment of our day, week, month, and year. This allows us to help the world around us get shift started in their own ways.Each compact and powerful weekday episode is overflowing with inspiring and motivating stories, perspectives, strategies, action steps, and weekly wins from Anthony others within the Shift Starter worldwide community. Let’s get Shift Started so we can Make Shift Happen!