Cathy Heller – Pursuing Your Passions
By Mary Maxey
October 24, 2019
In this episode, our guest is Cathy Heller. She is a business coach, spiritual coach, and best-selling author. She is also the host of a podcast called: DON’T KEEP YOUR DAY JOB”.
She is a successful person who has a cool journey of navigating life and doing so much stuff having great business success. This is an individual who has a calling and has been able to do more with it.
[1:30] Why should we listen to you?
I’m pretty sure that people are going around in VR headsets all day, and it’s presenting a false illusion for them that’s controlled by 96 percent of our brain, which is our subconscious mind, and it’s telling us how limited we are. I want to show you that there is no such thing as thinking beyond the box. The illusion is the box.
[2:40] How did we get to the point of not realizing that 95% of this is the base number?
I spent years in meditation and learning how to be a witness to what was happening on my path to obtaining the answers that I was looking for. I began my self-discovery journey when I was fifteen years old. It’s not just what you think, as you probably know, every thought is accompanied by feelings, and feelings produce chemicals in the brain. What truly happens is that we think something, feel something, and get ahead of ourselves, which leads to stress, and then our cells produce negative things, and we withdraw.
As a result, we have people who say they aren’t good enough, or that they aren’t capable. This is a fake feeling that appears to be genuine. As a result, we must adopt a mindset of overcoming that feeling as quickly as we can each day.
[7:25] What is the catalyst that drove you into this area of understanding?
My mother had been depressed for a long time. My father married three times throughout his life. There was a lot of disturbance, and I found it to be very depressing. I began my search for happiness and discovered that many individuals believe that happiness is the polar opposite of depression. Happiness has a deeper meaning. It’s a place where your soul takes control and you realize you have more potential than you realize. That’s what we’re looking for. We’re all looking for ways to improve ourselves. So, because of my parents, I had to find new ways to feel alive, and now I’m on a mission to help individuals who are walking around with a fake feeling that they believe is genuine.
[12:30] How do we unravel this?
We unravel it by realizing that we need to start asking new questions. “What do I need to do?” is the question that everyone is asking. “How do I need to be?” is the true question. The question of how must be addressed. Realizing that you don’t have to accomplish anything is the gateway to your expansion. The coherent signal is the most powerful force on the planet. We are conditioned to believe that love must be earned, and that is not true love. You don’t give love for the sake of giving it. The only thing people/the world asks of us is that we love them. Take a look around you, at your family, your career, and everything else, and you’ll notice that everyone just wants to be happy.
[15:30] How do you trigger this energy and express it in a way that allows your life to change outside?
When I teach someone, 98 percent of what I teach them is energy, and only 2% is physical. Let’s take a closer look at this in more detail. There are three solid steps to follow if you have a job and want to start a side hustle like a business. Select it, sell it, and skill it are the three options. You must select. It doesn’t matter if you try multiple things; in fact, you should, and once you’ve chosen one, make sure you give it away for free to people to test before selling it. Most times, what people have is a courage problem, not a business problem. There is no failure. It is rather called feedback. When a customer gives you a rating of 1-7, it’s not that impressive but a 9-10 rating means that they’ll recommend you to others and that is a pathway to having a successful business.
[23:18] What makes a 9-10 rating?
There are just two words and they are radical and perceiving. You must be making things, listening to your customers’ needs, and making them feel that energy. Why does Amazon do more business than other online stores? It’s because they are studying you differently. Business is the bedrock of any relationship and what this means is thinking of what the other person wants.
[25:40] How do we get someone to take these concrete steps and apply them?
When we look, we look for a greater vision and that is where the energy comes from. If you can’t see your business growing to be a successful one, then your customers can’t see it. It starts with you. The positive thought and mindset must start from you and this is what gives you the whole energy that you need. The combination of that energy and your vision won’t make you lose and it will make you become what you’re meant to be.
[31:57] What promise did God make to the world when he created you?
God said, “She’s going to show you a mirror of how amazing you are and you’re going to believe it”.
Key Quotes
[24:32-24:36] The only thing we receive is that which we give away.
[28:38-28:41] When someone can see what other people can’t see, it moves the world.
[29:30-29:35] The power of vision is amazing in such a way that if you have one, other people will get behind you.
How to connect with Cathy Heller