Mike and Angie Lee – Empathy is Necessary in Business
By Mary Maxey
October 24, 2019
Today, we have two guests and are Mike and Angie Lee. They are brother and sister, and they have been able to build a wellness brand called “SOUL.” In today’s discussion, we will find out the Aww shift moment they have had individually and together and what they have been able to do to put their experiences out in unique ways as influencers, business owners, and impacters.
[4:08]Why should I listen to you?
That is an excellent question. I think someone should listen to me because I have some interesting perspectives and am inquisitive about many things. This has helped me have some exciting conversations, and I believe my gift is bringing that level of curiosity to others.
Mike said he has a lot of empathy, so he chose to help people for a living. I feel I can relate to a lot of people because I have been through a lot.
[7:00]What are the Aww shift moments you have had in your career?
The main thing is the genesis of when we started our awareness company. In 2013, I was on top of the world, young, undefeated, but my body started shutting down. I was sick and in a hospital for almost two years. I started having systemic information and migraine, and I was shutting down. It was one of the darkest times in my life that I still deal with, but I think that moment was a massive shift for me because, to be honest, before that, I was all about the ego. I was doing well. Everything was all about me but getting sick and being knocked down changed my perspective on things that changed me as a human being and set me on a new trajectory in life. I started diving into a lot of work, including mindset, draft working, and outside medication. It changed me into a better person.
[9:50]Tell us about your journey and some of the Aww shift experiences you have learned from?
I think the battle I have always been fighting, which has been difficult for me, is my career. Life happens, but my job is what I struggle with. It’s like my gift, but it is also something that I battle with, and maybe that is why I’m so committed to expressing myself and empowering women.
[11:54]What advice would you give people during an emotional battle?
That’s a great question. I think for me, the biggest thing is to have fun and laugh. When I was in that state, I was more miserable than ever, so from that, I learned that it’s not about that minute. You have got to have fun, laugh, and find ways to enjoy the moment. We take these experiences seriously and end up being hard on ourselves, making things more difficult. We should wait until something massive happens before we can find or experience joy. We should see joy as a necessity.
[16:55]As siblings in the same business, how do you find a place to keep mutual respect and work ethic?
I know what she loves doing and the things that don’t interest her. So, it will be unfair to make her do the things she doesn’t want. We sometimes get annoyed at each other because we want to do things differently. Understanding what each person is good at and keeping them in their lanes. Being honest and thoughtful is very important too.
[19:44]When you have moments when you are not doing so well, how do you communicate things that the other party doesn’t want to hear?
There’s no point in using a tool that won’t help the problem. Empathy is needed. You should put your emotions in check and come out with compassion. I think this resonates with people.
[25:00]What is your journey of building a brand together?
Our secret is that we still have a lot of personal time. I attend to customers’ messages. I show up as much as I can. These days, companies don’t show the face behind their products, which significantly helps us. People are craving intimacy. They want to know and connect with the owner. People will buy from someone who shows up consistently, shares their story, and so on, and I’m grateful for that. I’ve learned that it is community and customer service first, followed by the product. If you can build a community, it will be easier to sell your products. The mistake most people make is focusing on the products first. They are not getting feedback on what their customers will prefer, which is wrong.
[28:10]Who is the person that you want to help?
Our biggest three pinpoints are anxiety, sleep, and stress, and we found out that the people we are trying to help now have a lot of pressure and focus right now, and I think there are so many reasons for that. We know how essential sleep is, but people still find it has to have a good sleep. Those are the three pinpoints that we came in and addressed. I think I was taking CBD because I had anxiety caused by the medications and the tough time I was going through.
[36:20]What are some of the things that have allowed you to build this eight figures business, and how did you feel when you wanted to start?
The birth of something is fantastic. Seeing an idea of nothing burst into something that I receive a lot of DMs about is astonishing. We didn’t know if it would work, but we tried it. We weighed out the things we would lose if we didn’t try it. The price of not trying something is tough too. You’ve got to try something out. You might try things and fail, but one thing is that you will learn some lessons. We had no idea of what we were doing, but we continued. Nobody knows what they are doing, but they are just willing to try things out, and I think collaboration is one of our greatest moments.
[48:18]What promise did God make to the world when he created you?
According to Mike, God said that he would turn pain into a payment of gift, and he would also be able to help other people get out of pain. Angie said, ‘To give people a pause through laughter regardless of what they are going through.
Key Quotes
[26:09-26:11] People will choose to buy from brands that they trust rather than a brand they haven’t heard of.
[26:30-26:32] If you can build a community, it will be easier to sell your products.
How to connect with Mike and Angie Lee
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mysoulcbd/