I'm Anthony Trucks. A former NFL player, 3X American Ninja Warrior, and the creator of the Guilt to Greatness Playbook.
I'm also an author, coach, entrepreneur, podcast host and speaker. But the most important roles in my life are husband, dad, son, brother, and friend. My identity is a balance of my relationships, accomplishments and skills.
Success only happens when who you are to your core (your identity) aligns with your life’s vision. After I realized that I began taking the necessary steps to reprogram myself from the inside out. I spent years researching, practicing and essentially rewiring my brain on a deep psychological level to achieve the necessary changes to find my Greatness.
I learned many of lessons the hard way. I went through a lot of Shifts (from foster care to NFL athlete to broke, divorced and unemployed) before I found my true Greatness.
It's something I live out each day. And I want to share the Play-by-Play for how to get there with you (so you can avoid some of the losses and go straight towards your Greatness).