Create Your Game Plan for Winning in Business and Life

The Guilt to Greatness playbook will teach you to operate at peak pace in your business while maintaining a peaceful rhythm in all areas of your life. 

Download this FREE playbook to create a custom Game Plan using the the 3 unique competitive advantages that help you create more time, focus, and energy (...guilt-free). 


Create Your Game Plan for Winning in Business and Life

The Guilt to Greatness playbook will teach you to operate at peak pace in your business while maintaining a peaceful rhythm in all areas of your life. 

Download this FREE playbook to create a custom Game Plan using the the 3 unique competitive advantages that help you create more time, focus, and energy (...guilt-free). 

This Playbook will help you if...


  • You sat down right now and thought about all the things you (1) want to do and (2) need to do, and you immediately started to feel panic bubble up to the surface -- having no idea how you'll get it all done. 
  • You think if you could get one more hour each day then you could it get all done.
  • Or if you could just get some extra help at home, you'd have more time to focus on the business. 
  • You feel brain fog throughout the day; bouncing back and forth between life to-dos and work to-dos... and wondering, "why did I walk into this room again??"
  • You struggle to get in a flow-state, where work becomes easy, focused and you're wildly productive. 

Here's Your Play-By-Play

Inside the Guilt to Greatness Playbook, you'll find a template for creating your personal expansion plans in the 3 most critical areas to capacity: Actions, Application, and Assessment. Let's take a look 👀

Play #1


What you do (and don't do) each day will determine if you stay stuck in your business and overwhelmed trying to manage everything, OR if you'll grow into your potential and find harmony across everything that's important to you. The secret to Actions is in the action you're NOT taking. This workbook will help you understand the difference and give you a plan to start taking the action that's currently missing from your day. 

Play #2

Application effort 

Let's do an easy math problem. If 100% of people have the same information required to be successful, but only 2% breakthrough to become top earners, what separates them from the 98%? It's the application of knowledge. Learning doesn't stop after the knowledge has been absorbed, but after its been implemented. If you've bought courses, books and programs, but nothing has moved your business forward then it's time to take a different play at how you're applying that knowledge. 

Play #3

Assessment Routine

If you're taking the right actions and applying everything you've learned, but you're still not getting out of the daily grind then you need to strengthen your defensive game. This means that you need to deeply assess the actions your taking, the effort of application, and the new opportunities throughout the cycle. If the same routines aren't getting you where you want then you need to learn the best way to identify what's missing. Once you find that piece, you start the cycle over. 


I'm Anthony Trucks. A former NFL player, 3X American Ninja Warrior, and the creator of the Guilt to Greatness Playbook. 

I'm also an author, coach, entrepreneur, podcast host and speaker. But the most important roles in my life are husband, dad, son, brother, and friend. My identity is a balance of my relationships, accomplishments and skills. 

Success only happens when who you are to your core (your identity) aligns with your life’s vision. After I realized that I began taking the necessary steps to reprogram myself from the inside out. I spent years researching, practicing and essentially rewiring my brain on a deep psychological level to achieve the necessary changes to find my Greatness.
I learned many of lessons the hard way. I went through a lot of Shifts (from foster care to NFL athlete to broke, divorced and unemployed) before I found my true Greatness. 
It's something I live out each day. And I want to share the Play-by-Play for how to get there with you (so you can avoid some of the losses and go straight towards your Greatness). 

I'm Anthony Trucks. A former NFL player, 3X American Ninja Warrior, and the creator of the Guilt to Greatness Playbook. 

I'm also an author, coach, entrepreneur, podcast host and speaker. But the most important roles in my life are husband, dad, son, brother, and friend. My identity is a balance of my relationships, accomplishments and skills. 

Success only happens when who you are to your core (your identity) aligns with your life’s vision. After I realized that I began taking the necessary steps to reprogram myself from the inside out. I spent years researching, practicing and essentially rewiring my brain on a deep psychological level to achieve the necessary changes to find my Greatness.
I learned many of lessons the hard way. I went through a lot of Shifts (from foster care to NFL athlete to broke, divorced and unemployed) before I found my true Greatness. 
It's something I live out each day. And I want to share the Play-by-Play for how to get there with you (so you can avoid some of the losses and go straight towards your Greatness).