Fortifying Your Future: Navigating Life’s Transitions with Ilka Lander

By Yuresh Shayzer
September 24, 2024

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Welcome back to the Speak to Freedom podcast. Today, we have the incredible Ilka Lander as our guest. Ilka is a dynamic speaker, coach, and consultant who has navigated multiple industries with grace and perseverance. From her journey as a ballerina to becoming a business owner and mother of twins, Ilka's story is full of twists and turns that highlight the importance of resilience and self-discovery.

Ilka’s message is all about finding strength through transitions. Whether it’s shifting careers or balancing personal challenges, she teaches us how to fortify ourselves for the future. Her experiences have not only shaped her into the powerhouse she is today but have also provided her with a unique perspective on how to help others navigate life's toughest moments. Join us as Ilka shares her incredible journey and offers insights on how to transform life’s challenges into opportunities for growth.

[1:22] Ilka, if someone walked up to you and asked, “What do you do?”, how would you respond?

"I’m a speaker, coach, and consultant. I help people transition in life, whether that’s in their career, personal life, or overall mindset. I’ve walked through many transitions myself, from being a professional ballerina to building my own business while raising twins. What I teach is how to fortify yourself so that you’re ready for the next step, whatever that may be."

[3:39] Can you share the journey that brought you to where you are now?

"It’s been a long road with many changes. From pursuing ballet, then moving into hospitality, and later running a business while raising my twins, I’ve had to learn how to embrace change and move forward without losing myself. Each step came with its own challenges, but those experiences shaped who I am today and why I teach others to face their struggles head-on."

[8:26] How did your experiences with your twins and your business influence your current message?

"It wasn’t easy. Juggling the demands of a business and raising twins pushed me to my limits. There were many hard moments where I wanted to give up, but those struggles forced me to dig deep and find the strength to keep going. That’s where my concept of ‘fortifying for your future’ came from. It’s about building the strength to overcome challenges and being prepared for whatever comes next."

[10:16] What advice do you give people who feel overwhelmed by their current hardships?

"Start by looking inward. Identify your core values and align your actions with them. Often, people are stuck in patterns because they haven't truly defined what matters to them. By getting clear on your values and aligning your efforts with them, you can start to build a life that feels fulfilling and purposeful."

[19:08] How does someone figure out what their values are?

"It takes time, but it starts with self-reflection. You might admire people who are doing things that resonate with you, or you may feel drawn to something your heart desires. It’s about exploring those feelings and trying new things until you find what truly lights you up. Once you have that clarity, the path forward becomes much clearer."

[25:18] What is the next step once someone has identified their values?

"Once you know what’s important to you, the next step is implementing habits and actions that support those values. It’s about creating patterns that align with the life you want to live. Over time, those habits become second nature, and you start seeing the results of that effort."

[32:46] What are your hopes for those who hear your message and work with you?

"I want people to walk away with the belief that they can navigate life’s challenges and build a future they’re proud of. My hope is that they leave feeling stronger, more confident, and prepared for whatever comes next."

Key Quotes:

  • [3:39] "Each step came with its own challenges, but those experiences shaped who I am today."
  • [19:08] "It’s about getting clear on your values and aligning your efforts with them."

How to Connect with Ilka Lander:


Tune in Next Time

That’s a wrap for today’s episode of the Speak to Freedom podcast. If you enjoyed today’s conversation with Ilka Lander and want to learn more, be sure to check out her work. Also, don’t forget to visit for more insights into building your speaking business. Thank you for tuning in, and we’ll see you on the next episode!

Written by: [email protected]

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