How to Rewire Your Brain - Dr Alok Trivedi
By Yuresh Shayzer
May 16, 2023
In today's episode, our guest is Alok Trivedi. He is the founder of one of 2021 Inc. 5000’s fastest-growing companies and the author of the acclaimed “Chasing Success: Lessons in Aligned Performance.” While running one of the biggest healthcare clinics in the country, Dr. Trivedi was inspired to use his therapeutic doctor background coupled with 27 years of studying the mind/body connection to develop his methods which now included 92 scientifically proven techniques to rewire the fear, beliefs, and habits that hold you back so you can achieve the life you’ve always dreamed of.
[2:25] Why should I listen to you?
I may have encountered various experiences that could potentially assist you in navigating the chaos you are presently facing. Additionally, I possess a systematic process and scientific tools that can aid you in navigating these challenges, sparing you the need to repeatedly confront them.
[2:55] Where did that skillset develop?
Through my practice as a doctor, I have had the opportunity to see and treat over 500,000 patients throughout my career. Initially, my focus was on helping individuals with physical ailments, such as back pain, neck pain, and shoulder pain. However, I soon realized that by delving into the realm of their minds and aiding them in rewiring their thought processes, remarkable transformations occurred. Surprisingly, these positive changes took place without any physical intervention on my part. This experience prompted me to adopt a new approach to guiding patients in healing themselves through a thoughtful questioning process. Over time, my expertise expanded beyond medical settings, and I began working with entrepreneurs, business owners, CEOs, and even celebrities. The scope of my work broadened, but it all originated from recognizing the intricate connection between the mind and body and comprehending the inner workings of the human frame.
[3:53] What does rewiring mean?
Indeed, the process involves rewiring not only the neurochemistry of the brain but also one's perspective and perception. The ultimate goal is to attain a state of equilibrium within the brain, as the entire organ constantly seeks balance. Our objective is to assist individuals in achieving this balance across all aspects of their lives, promoting harmony within their minds.
[4:20] How would someone know they are out of balance?
Many individuals tend to solely focus on their external surroundings, observing the preexisting chaos that exists. However, it is crucial to direct attention inward and acknowledge the presence of the inner voice, commonly referred to as the ego, within our minds. This internal noise generated by the brain holds significant importance. Additionally, it is essential to consider one's symptoms and overall health, as true well-being encompasses more than just physicality. In today's society, there has been a separation between psychological and mental health from our physical state. However, I believe this perspective is entirely inaccurate. Mental health is intricately intertwined with our overall well-being. Thus, our objective is to bridge the gap between mental and physical health, recognizing their interconnectedness and fostering their harmonious integration.
[5:23] What kicked you into this realm?
I have always had a relentless pursuit of seeking answers and understanding the intricate workings of the mind and body. My journey began as a physical therapist, which led me to become a chiropractor. However, I found myself continually questioning what governs various aspects, repeatedly asking, "What controls what?" As I worked with patients who suffered from back pain, I embarked on my journey. It was during this time that I started assisting individuals in believing in their ability to heal. I realized that as a doctor if I had not personally experienced the transformative power of care, I would not truly comprehend its profound truth. I had to undergo the process of rebuilding and reawakening my brain when I faced the turmoil of a painful divorce, losing everything in the process. During that challenging period, I had to reconstruct the fragments of my mind to bring myself back to life. Financially destitute, I struggled to make ends meet, surviving on minimal resources for days on end. It was through piecing together the elements of this puzzle that I gained a profound understanding of how the brain truly operates.
[6:50] What were the things you did to pull yourself out of a dark place?
I had a significant realization during a speaking engagement. While promoting positive thinking and similar mindsets, I found that it did not align with how the brain truly operates. Backstage, I expressed my frustration to others, seeking help as I struggled financially, trying to meet my child support obligations, and feeling the weight of it all crashing down on me. I was desperate to figure out how to turn things around but couldn't make any progress. People who were well-known in the industry advised me to examine my beliefs, stating that they shaped my reality. However, this seemed illogical to me because reality appeared to be based on what was objectively observable. It was during this time that I realized someone could experience back pain, but the root cause could be diverse, such as a herniated spinal disc or other underlying issues. The back pain was merely a symptom. This realization sparked an epiphany that whatever we perceive is the symptom, while the cognitive aspect is internal.
Motivated by this realization, I returned home and delved into my textbooks like a mad scientist. Fuelled by coffee, I spent the entire night researching and developing a path and process to understand how the brain truly functions. I wanted to grasp how the brain creates emotions and the genuine anatomical process behind beliefs, not just the psychological aspect. It became evident that I had formed a belief in my life following my divorce, which was that one could have either love or money, but not both. This belief influenced my experiences, as I had been seeking love while facing post-divorce struggles. I had to piece together this understanding and then focus on rewiring this specific belief. I started implementing these techniques, gradually rewiring different aspects of my mindset, including increasing my sales, confidence, and self-worth. Each day, I continued the process of neuroplastic growth, rewiring my brain to enhance my value. Interestingly, I discovered that I could similarly assist others. This became a significant aspect of my work, as I found joy in helping entrepreneurs rewire their brains to achieve absolute fulfillment and success, without compromising their worthiness.
[10:20] Why did you choose entrepreneurs and what are you trying to accomplish for them?
I've always been an entrepreneur at heart since childhood, deeply fascinated by the world of entrepreneurship. However, what struck me as remarkable is the lack of entrepreneurial doctors discussing mental health and its impact on our physiology and overall well-being. It's worth noting that 72% of entrepreneurs experience mental health disorders, even though we may not readily acknowledge it. We often label it as stress or attribute it to the relentless pursuit of success. However, from a biological perspective, this constant grind is detrimental to our health. It can lead to conditions such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and other physiological ailments. The correlation between our business challenges and the resulting health symptoms is often overlooked. We find ourselves taking medications for the physical symptoms without addressing the underlying mental and emotional aspects. This disconnect is what compelled me to write my upcoming book, "Wired for Wealth," which focuses on rewiring the brain for both financial success and overall health. It aims to bridge the gap left by traditional training and offer a holistic perspective on achieving prosperity in all aspects of life.
I have experienced the need for massive rewiring in my journey and continue to do so. There was a time when I believed I had to separate my focus between making money and nurturing relationships. However, I realized that finding harmony between the two is essential. It's not about pausing one aspect to attend to the other but rather integrating and balancing them simultaneously. It requires rewiring our mindset to understand that we can have both financial success and fulfilling relationships.
[12:20] Why do you think people have some certain mentality?
We often tend to compartmentalize different aspects of our lives. Harvard conducted a study on this topic and highlighted the importance of work-life integration rather than striving for a work-life balance that implies separation. It's about recognizing that all facets of our lives are interconnected and should be integrated harmoniously. When we compartmentalize and fail to see the interconnectedness, we limit our potential for fulfillment. Achieving this integration is a part of personal growth and maturity. Moreover, it holds biological significance. It is immensely rewarding when we perceive various elements of our lives as contributing to our progress rather than obstructing it. As we align these aspects along a unified path, they guide us towards the prefrontal cortex of our brain, which is associated with higher cognitive functions, rather than keeping us stuck in the emotional centers of our brain.
[15:17] How do you approach things that seem like you can't change or control?
We often forget that the external environment is a reflection of our internal state. The five primary emotions you mentioned, namely pride, infatuation, shame, guilt, and resentment, play a significant role in shaping our experiences. When we hold onto these emotions, they tend to be mirrored back to us in our interactions and circumstances. For instance, if someone appears angry or resentful towards us, it's essential to recognize that our triggers and behaviors may have contributed to that reaction.
Allow me to illustrate this with an example from a recent client session. One of my clients expressed that his spouse was excessively controlling. When we examined their dynamic, it became evident that her controlling behavior was, to a significant extent, a response to his controlling tendencies. However, the challenge arises from our resistance to acknowledging and accepting our flaws. We often judge and disown certain aspects of ourselves, making it difficult to see where we are stuck or disowning those qualities. Once my client was able to confront the fact that he, too, exhibited controlling behavior, a shift occurred. By recognizing and accepting this truth, the trigger between them began to diminish, allowing for healthier interactions. All of us need to reflect on our actions and emotions, as it enables us to break free from patterns that perpetuate discord and cultivate a more harmonious environment.
[20:50] How does somebody get to that point?
Whatever one is addicted to it, I call it an addiction. I remember when I first started my first business, I had nothing to my name. Of course, when you go off because nobody goes, but start a business when you have something you're afraid of losing, that fear of loss is the addiction that you've built to your success and that's the thing that's holding you captive. The other side is that if you've had a past where you've had a trauma or resentment or some challenge, and you don't want to do it again, that's also holding you captive. Both stoats are preventing you from actually moving into the state of gratitude, and love and being able to move forward, because they're the emotions that keep you trapped.
[22:10] Where do other outside human beings come into play?
They're the perfect mirrors. We have these neurons in our brain called mirror neurons and these mirror neurons are societally needed and are used for evolution and our family members so we can get super consumed with work and focus. Sometimes we can get super consumed with work and focus at some time, and maybe our spouse or partner says you know what, you never spend time with me you come home with the kids, whatever the case, and you're sitting there saying, I'm trying to build the business I'm trying to grow and the addiction to the one breeds the chaos of the other.
[27:50] How does someone discern when it comes to people?
Here's what I realized in the brain and what happens as you rewire your brain is that you automatically transcend the tribe that you're in but what will happen is because your influence will want to grow, you'll want to create a better impact inside the world. In most of the personal development space, they'll say things like you know what? You leave them because they're not supporting you and you leave because of resentment. You leave because of that. When you transcend you leave and you rewire. You leave with an appreciation of who they are, and you can still interact with them. You're not trying to shun them out. You've just grown at a different level. There's nothing wrong with that. But you're not leaving with an emotion. That's the key because there's no judgment.
[35:41] What do you think is the natural step order for people especially if they've worked with you before?
I think you need to first know who you are. What I mean by that is in your brain. What I've done is I've wanted to take the philosophy that we're talking about and never wanted to objectify. That was always my objective to say, how do I duplicate this for my kids more than anything else? Is it how I duplicate the path of fulfillment because you know what, it's not about the secret just sitting in manifesting and their action? So the seven levels of the brain in essence that I talked about, and it's going from a state of have to need to, to should too, which is the primary state of guilt into deciding to want to choose to learn love to and going through those levels of the brain silent so the first thing you gotta do is find out kind of where you're at which part of the brain are you using? Depending on where you are will determine how you're living as a function. Here's the interesting thing, I've also correlated. It's also really determining the impact you make and the money you make because of it and so, you got to find out where you are on that scale. I think that's the number one thing to do.
[38:08] What promise did God make to the world when he created you?
To teach.
Key Quotes
[17:56-17:58] If it doesn't match your identity, you can't take those actions
[35:10-35:13] Any day, anybody can wake up and choose to be somebody else.
How to connect with Alok Trivedi