How to Own Your Power with Princeton Clark

By Yuresh Shayzer
March 12, 2024

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Welcome to the "Speak to Freedom" podcast, where we guide individuals on how to speak to a life of freedom. In today's episode, we have Princeton Clark, a speaker who shares his remarkable journey of traveling the world and speaking in front of thousands. Maybe you're wondering how his story can help you - we're about to delve into that. We'll discuss his journey, message to the world, and how you can do the same. We'll also talk about strategies to get on stages more frequently and how to maximize your impact. Let's dive into the episode.

[3:30] If you don't mind sharing, from your perspective, how would you respond if someone in an elevator asked, "What do you do?"

My expertise is focused on self-mastery, but I also as you would say, in school minor and leadership and really developing brands that impact the world.

[3:48] Which brand did you develop that made a significant impact on the world and provided you with valuable insights?

My personal brand centers around evolved mastery, focusing on personal growth through self-mastery. The color scheme of gold, black, and white symbolizes the journey: black represents the challenges we face, and gold signifies the transformation of those challenges into enlightenment that we share with the world. Initially, I developed my brand out of necessity, as I was relatively unknown despite my behind-the-scenes work and my background as a pastor. As I transitioned into the realm of personal and professional development, my brand evolved to reflect a commitment to self-mastery and adaptability, allowing me to reach diverse audiences effectively. The impetus for creating my brand was to amplify my impact, particularly with the launch of my first book. That's essentially how my brand journey began.

[5:20] How did you evolve into the confident person you are today, ready to share your story with the world?

My journey started 20 years ago with a failed suicide attempt. I had a tough time growing up, facing abuse, molestation, and deep depression. But after surviving that attempt, I had a big realization: what happened to me didn't define me, but how I responded did. This inspired me to change my life. By the time I was 21, I quit drinking, drugs, and gang involvement. I grew up in Virginia's Bible Belt, so my focus was on church. I studied Bible and Eastern religions, eventually becoming a pastor. But after five years, I felt I needed to do more. I realized I couldn't change things from within the system. I decided to share my story with the world, hoping to help others facing similar struggles. That's when I discovered the power of my experiences to reach and inspire millions.

[8:25] What was your journey like in deciding to lean in, and how did you begin the process of building your speaking business?

Well, you know, I didn't jump into speaking or building my speaking business right away. Even though I spoke on stages because people knew me as a pastor, I didn't actively pursue big stages initially. I've always believed the stage is sacred because of its power to impact lives. Most of my journey lacked mentors until I connected with Zig Ziglar, Dr. Wayne Dyer, and Les Brown. Then in 2005, I discovered Tony Robbins, which opened my eyes to the global impact I could have. I immersed myself in self-education, learning from multidimensional speakers who mastered various areas. Back then, social media wasn't as prevalent, so I focused on developing expertise rather than gaining attention. Nowadays, anyone can claim to be a speaker, but true expertise is crucial. Seek out mentors and do your research. I spent hours studying speaking and entrepreneurship, understanding the business side beyond the glamour. It's a journey of continuous growth and dedication.

[13:55] Have you ever experienced moments where you felt like you bombed on stage or had difficult conversations with your agents, but looking back, you realize those moments were critical for your success?

Man, going back to my first time on stage is where it all started for me. I had to speak for just 15 minutes, and initially, I was pumped, with all my notes and sticky pointers ready. But as I was about to go on, nerves hit me hard. A year and a half after my life changed, doubt crept in. I started comparing myself to others, feeling like an impostor. My mentor, who also introduced me to Les Brown, noticed my distress and reminded me of the power of my story. He challenged me to ditch the notes and just share my story. That moment flipped a switch for me. From then on, I've never prepared for a speech in the traditional sense. I just study and let it flow naturally. It's been over 19 years now, and stepping on stage feels like second nature. It's all about staying ready so you don't have to get ready.

[19:38] How did you overcome feeling inadequate or hesitant when starting out, especially considering the fear of bothering others or feeling inferior to them?

Well, in the beginning, all I had were books because social media wasn't around. Unless I was introduced to people like Les Brown, I had to hustle hard. I sold furniture and washed windows - coming from a background in gangs, money was tight. So, I'd do whatever it took to attend events, soaking up every bit of knowledge I could. Nowadays, with social media, it's easier. My advice to listeners is to be genuine. Don't just reach out to someone for their following; engage with their content, buy their books, and utilize their resources. I have books, a podcast, and more, all offering insights. It's about being a dedicated student of the craft. Ask for referrals from those who are genuinely making strides, and don't believe everything you see. That's the real challenge.

[29:25] For the head, could you provide a strategic piece of advice that you believe would be a game-changer for them in their business journey? And for the heart, could you share some words of wisdom and encouragement to help them persevere through tough times?

This is wonderful, and I'm glad we're ending on this note. For those listening and yearning to make a bigger impact, the first step is clarifying your vision. Many times, we desire to make an impact but lack a clear vision or set achievable goals. I challenge you to envision yourself as the version of speaking on big stages, booking high-profile appointments, and delivering impactful keynotes. How does that version of you show up daily? What circles do they engage in? How do they present themselves on social media? Once you're clear on this vision, reverse-engineer the process. Identify the steps needed to manifest that version of yourself in the present. Goals are essential, but they require actionable steps. Seek guidance if needed, and focus on one goal at a time. Avoid rushing to level 10 when you're just starting at level one; this only breeds stress and imposter syndrome. Remember, every decision and action shape your lifestyle. Set goals that align with the version of yourself you aspire to be and take consistent action towards them. Understand that if you can envision that version of yourself, it already exists. Your response in the present moment, combined with clear vision and action, brings that vision to life. Your spirit wouldn't show you something impossible. So, if you're a speaker driven to make a lasting impact, get crystal clear on your vision and watch the provision follow suit. That's my advice for you today.

Key Quotes

[12:26-12:30] Do not tell anyone how to run a race until you’ve crossed a finish line. 

[18:44-18:48] Your most valuable uniqueness is the fact that you aren't anybody else.

How to connect with Princeton Clark




Written by: [email protected]

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