Create a life beyond limits with Glen Lundy
By Yuresh Shayzer
January 30, 2023
In this episode, we have the remarkable Glen Lundy joining us. Glen's journey is fascinating, from a fulfilling career to an expansive life. He didn't settle; he leaned into that yearning for growth. In this episode, Glen unveils the inner workings of his mind, the pivotal shifts, and the lessons extracted from challenging moments. From seven-figure businesses to a loving family, Glen's story is a testament to intentional living and legacy-building. Join us as we delve into the behind-the-scenes of creating an extraordinary life. Let's dive deep into this insightful conversation.
[4:32] Why should I listen to you?
I've had conversations with many people in random places. My wife will tell you I've never met a stranger. And I love having those conversations. I would say you should listen to me because I'm likely to ask you questions that will inspire deeper, meaningful conversations that you might not normally have. I love asking people questions, learning about humans, and sparking real conversation. In today's day and age, sometimes that can be challenging, with everything being brief and short. So that would be the main reason you should talk with me. Then I've got a little wisdom. I've got a little experience. I'm a husband to one and a father to eight. I am a speaker. I've spoken on stages all around the world. I've written a few books, and I've built this, now my second multimillion-dollar company. So I've got a little experience and wisdom and might be able to provide a little value. But most importantly, I'll make sure you feel good about yourself by the time we're done.
[6:58] At what point did you discover your true drive? Did these goals align for you, or did your true drive emerge separately in your journey?
There's a book called "The Second Mountain" discussing how we're taught to chase conventional success but often hit a midlife awakening, realizing there's more to life. I spent 25 years setting myself up financially. In the last six years, I shifted to building a life-centric business. I value investing time over spending it. I'm passionate about the power of words. I had a realization during a conversation where someone spoke about investing in various aspects of life but casually spent time on non-productive activities. This led me to eliminate the concept of "spending time" and approach everything as an investment with an expected return. This mindset shift allowed me to invest in relationships, business, fitness, personal growth, and mental health, understanding that not all investments require equal effort.
[15:18] What were the subsequent steps in your decision to fully embrace what you're doing now?
Yes, for the next year, our focus was solely on chasing dollars. I would accept speaking engagements wherever the pay was good, and we even created and sold planners to generate some income. This was during a time when we were figuring things out. Throughout that year, I observed deficiencies in the auto industry, particularly for individuals at the owner or general manager level. While there's abundant training for sales and finance managers, there needs to be more mentorship for those in top positions. Recognizing this gap, I decided to lean into it. I noticed a unique opportunity to teach others how to run a dealership successfully, something not commonly done by those who've achieved such positions. Realizing this gap, I started conducting workshops and webinars. Eventually, I incorporated strategies for monthly recurring income, leading to the creation of the 800% Elite Automotive Club. Now, I assist dealership owners across the United States and Canada through a monthly membership program, helping them scale their businesses. It has been a journey of figuring things out and seizing opportunities.
[18:10] If someone hears your story and resonates with it, feeling stuck in a safe but uninspiring career, what advice would you offer to someone who might have an inkling that they can make a change, even if not necessarily starting their own business?
Take a close look in the mirror and at your current opportunity. Ask yourself, have you truly maximized it? Many people express a desire to quit their jobs and become entrepreneurs, but my advice is to assess if you've squeezed the most out of your current situation. Remember when you eagerly sought that job, dressed up for the interview, and felt it was the greatest thing ever? Now, after a year, five years, or a decade, have you become the best at it with no further room to grow? When you reach that point, doors will naturally open, and you'll see the path you should take. It's not a forced decision. Personally, I didn't plan to quit my job that day; I focused on being the best, and the opportunity to move forward presented itself.
[22:35] When someone hasn't fully committed to their current opportunity but is considering a change, how do you balance perseverance for growth with knowing when it's time for something new?
If you find yourself not loving your job and waiting for everyone else to be right, consider a different perspective. The issue isn't the job itself; I know janitors who genuinely love what they do. It's about winning at your role, building relationships, and feeling a sense of purpose and pride in your work. Financial gain might not be the driving factor for everyone. It's not a one-size-fits-all situation; it's about the person behind the position. If you currently hate your job, it's likely because you're not winning at it. Find a way to succeed, and then you can determine if this is the right fit for you or not.
[35:25] How did you discover the ability to build a relationship with discomfort?
I'm not sure if I can say I love it; I think it's more fear. I'm more scared of death than loving the process. I recently challenged my beliefs and decided to train for a marathon, something I once thought was crazy. As a sprinter, long-distance running seemed pointless, but I wanted to question my beliefs. I trained for 30 weeks, ran 20 miles, and was supposed to participate in the Boston Marathon, but I decided not to. It wasn't about the ribbon; it was about pushing my body's limits. I didn't love a single mile of the training route, but I gained the knowledge that I could do hard things. Similarly, my wife and I got back together after a divorce. To spend more time with her, I joined her in hobbies I hadn't tried before, like doing a half Ironman. I hated every minute of it, but it created a shared struggle and strengthened our relationship. The medal didn't matter; it was about the valuable experiences gained through the journey.
[41:46] Where do I send people who want to know more about Glen Lundy, what he's up to, and how they can kind of work with you?
Many of the experiences I have now are vastly different from 15 years ago. I went through a period of homelessness and spent a significant part of my 20s in and out of jail, a total of 17 times. I used to solely rely on myself and didn't believe in anything beyond that. The turning point came when I faced deep depression and suicidal thoughts. The very next day, I was introduced to self-development, studying successful individuals who often had powerful morning routines that encompassed mind, body, and spirit. Exploring various practices like cold showers and Tony Robbins-style approaches, I discovered five simple steps that, when applied each morning, completely transformed my life. I started teaching these steps to my 300 employees, and now I've shared the Morning 5, the five simple steps to an extraordinary life with hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of people globally. To connect with me, visit, where you can download my free ebook. It's available in an audible version and takes less than an hour to read. It not only explains the five steps but also delves into my story. It's a great way for us to get acquainted. Feel free to connect with me on Instagram or Facebook after checking out the ebook, as I always like to start with a gift.
[44:14] What promise did God make to the world when he created you?
God's promise when creating me was clear: everyone gets a seat at the table. Raised in a unique family, with my dad black, my mom white, and both remarried, our homes embraced diverse cultures. Growing up in such diversity made me a chameleon, navigating identity issues. Now, I see it as a gift—the ability to empathize with people from all walks of life. I can understand different perspectives, whether from inmates to the free, the homeless to the wealthy, or the depressed to the joy-filled. It's a beautiful opportunity we all have: bringing people to the table of understanding where everyone deserves a seat.
Key Quotes
[11:07-11:15] Jesus wasn't a passive guy but an active guy who went out and faced whatever he had to face to deliver a message of hope and make an impact in people’s lives
[27:10-27:20] If you don't aspire to be a winner, you are robbing the world of the gift of you.
How to connect with Glenn Lundy