Shift into the Zone

Get clarity on what you will achieve in 2022, learn the actions and habits you need to shift in order to accomplish that vision, and create a roadmap that upgrades your daily operating rhythm to the Zone


You've been staring down at the gap between where you are today and where you want to be for too long...

That gap is filled with limiting beliefs. Beliefs that have navigated the way you operate each day. These beliefs become whispered thoughts, and those thoughts create a fixed mindset that says you are stuck on the same side of the gap. You stop taking action because you believe success is not for you. Let's put an end to the suffering.  

The most successful version of you is waiting on the other side. 

Let's build your path over the gap. 

During this 5-day challenge, you will lay the path towards achieving your 2022 vision. At the end of the challenge, you will have your customized map to becoming your best self. 



FIVE live coaching sessions

Each day starting October 4th, Anthony will go LIVE in the private challenge group to coach you using the winning strategies from his transformational Shift Method program. 

SIX training takeaways

Through the challenge, Anthony will dive deep into the six drivers that determine a person's likeliness to achieve their goals. When all six drivers are running in congruence, you begin to operate in the ZONE. You will learn the shifts required in each of these drivers in order to find your ZONE

ONE personal transformation plan

By the final day of the challenge, you will have a personal operating plan. Your plan includes a clear vision of where you want to be in one year and what shifts you need to make to accomplish that vision. You will have the roadmap to finish 2021 strong and create a repeatable system of success to accomplish your 2022 vision. 




FIVE live coaching sessions

Each day starting October 4th, Anthony will go LIVE in the private challenge group to coach you using the winning strategies from his transformational Shift Method program. 

SIX training takeaways

Through the challenge, Anthony will dive deep into the six drivers that determine a person's likeliness to achieve their goals. When all six drivers are running in congruence, you begin to operate in the ZONE. You will learn the shifts required in each of these drivers in order to find your ZONE

ONE personal transformation plan

By the final day of the challenge, you will have a personal operating plan. Your plan includes a clear vision of where you want to be in one year and what shifts you need to make to accomplish that vision. You will have the roadmap to finish 2021 strong and create a repeatable system of success to accomplish your 2022 vision. 



  • Action ends suffering. When you operate in the ZONE you act proactively instead of reactively. Things stop happening to you and begin to happen for you
  • Progress over perfection. The #1 obstacle and cause of slowing down is operating under the guise of perfection. Nothing needs to be perfect to get started. Hiding behind perfection is self-doubt. When you are in the ZONE, you remove the excuse of perfection and put progress as the priority. This creates continuous forward momentum. 
  • Fueled focus on what is most important. Other people’s opinions don’t slow down your momentum. You create a productive type of tunnel vision on your goals. This form of focus will help block out distractions.
  • Solution-oriented mindset. Instead of seeing a lack of skills or knowledge as a stopper, you approach challenges as an opportunity to fill a gap.   
  • Joyous level of energy. Your energy stays high throughout the day because you operate at a higher level, and your joy is infectious, attracting new, equally ambitious people into your circle.
  • Repeatable system for success. Your accomplishments start to stack up; each one a launchpad for the next.

I'm Anthony Trucks. A former NFL player, 3X American Ninja Warrior, and the creator of the Shift Method. 

I'm also an author, coach and speaker. But the most important roles in my life are husband, dad, son, brother and friend. My identity is a balance of my relationships, accomplishments and skills. 

Success only happens when who you are to your core, your identity, aligns with your life’s vision. After I realized that I began taking the necessary steps to reprogram myself from the inside out. I spent years researching, practicing and essentially rewiring my brain on a deep psychological level to achieve the necessary changes to become the person I wanted to be. 
People say change is hard, but true and authentic transformation isn’t hard. Little by little I started to put in the work and after years of trial and error, I slowly became a well-oiled “shift making” machine.
I knew that I could never give what I didn’t have, so I first had to get it for myself.  I saw this firsthand from my adoptive mom in how she loved me past my crazy as a child. If I had it, then I would be able to pass it on. This is why I made two promises to my adoptive mom right before her life ended. One promise was that I would get back on my feet in life and become the man she raised me to be. Then I would do as she did and unconditionally love others, regardless of whether they were blood relatives; I would provide the world with more of what it needed, not less. This Shift Method is that love I’m passing on.

Join The Shift Into The Zone Challenge

  • 5 Days of LIVE coaching sessions with Anthony starting October 4th. Each session includes actionable lessons and implementation resources to prepare you to make the shift into the Zone!
  • Access to the private community exclusive for challenge content. You'll also have the option to sign up for Accountability Texts. 
  • Daily recaps so you don't miss a beat!